Uniform Groups
Brownies |
Mdm Waheeda Bte H Ali Ibrahim (i/c)
Science Lab |
Science Lab |
Cub Scouts |
Mdm Azizah Bte Ali (i/c)
Blue Court/Canteen |
Computer Lab 1 / CCA Room 3 |
Brownies (Girls)
The Brownies CCA aims to prepare the girls to be contributing citizens and confident leaders of the 21st Century.. The Brownies Motto “ Lend a Hand “ will guide the Brownies to find happiness in helping others. Our activities include a series of healthy, happy and educational games that teaches the girls to lead a useful life. Girls from Primary 3 onwards are encouraged to join as Tweenies and subsequently enrolled as full-pledged Brownie
Cub Scouts (Boys)
The purpose of Scouting is to help young people to develop their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual capacities as individuals and as members of society, and thus contribute to the development of a better world.
All Cub Scouts in Seng Kang Primary School will undergo training to build individual and groups skills. There is a common module for progress badges and a choice of individual proficiency and skill badges for all cub scouts Our activities include outdoor activities and adventure such as hikes, camps and outdoor cooking, to name a few. Cub Scouts will also have opportunities to go overseas to meet fellow Scouts from all over the world. Through Scouts, you can build life-long friendships with people of different races and creeds, both at home and abroad.
We welcome boys from as young as Primary 2. If you are keen to challenge yourself and learn something new, come and join us!!!